Junior Studio – Brand Promotion
Spring 2019
Brand Promotion for Dynamic Environment
Project Overview
The graphic design profession is constantly evolving. One of the constants is the need for designers to understand branding and how system and experience design are inextricably linked to promotional campaigns which help to establish a brand. Central to the evolution of our design field is the development of technology. Technology has revolutionized not only the channels which we, as designers, use to communicate, but also the landscape in which we do so. As a young designer you will be working to establish brand and identity in an environment that is fluid, dynamic, and demanding.
Learning Objectives
• To explore system design in a dynamic environment to promote and publicize an event for an existing brand or product
• To further your abilities of identity design in relation to a system
• To expand your understanding of branding and experience in relation to graphic design
• The evolve your understanding of system design through the creation of related pieces that are unified by appearance and meaning (image, color, visual punctuation, etc.)